“Vattenvarelser” (Water Creatures)
Public art commission at the pediatric care unit of Huddinge Hospital. The installation draws inspiration from the nature studies conducted by Jonas Falck. Living in the late 18th century, he operated in a landscape of possibilities, allowing his imagination to sometimes take the lead in his creative process.

Jonas Falck’s discoveries could never fit into the prevailing thought system of his time. He chose his own path and documented magnificent findings – mutated animals around the lake Kultsjön, extinct water creatures based on fossil discoveries on Fårö, or strange mushrooms around Norra Kvarken. If his studies had been taken seriously, he could have revolutionized the entire scientific world and paved the way for evolutionary thinking. However, that wasn’t the case, and he had to continue his work on his own. The artwork sheds new light on science, truth, and history while also opening up for conversations about changes in nature.
The installation “Water Creatures” is spread throughout the entire care unit. There are 16 patient rooms, including 8 isolation rooms. Each patient room features a unique painting of a water creature. Additionally, two larger wall sections depict underwater themes in the corridors. Beyond this, I have installed lightboxes in the ceiling where jellyfish-like creatures swim around. On door and window sections, I have worked with contrast markings and privacy film, depicting a armadillo-like fish-creature in different stages of evolution. The pediatric ward is a place where many children and their families unfortunately spend far too much time. Therefore, it feels especially meaningful to create art for these individuals, offering them an escape to mentally travel to another world, to dream away, to encounter the unknown, to marvel, and to fantasize.
Go here for more information about my traveling companion Jonas Falck and our discoveries.

“Fynden i Solhem” (The Finding in Solhem)
Public commisson at Solhem förskola (kindergarten) in Glasberga/Södertälje. Collaboration with Annika Petersson.
If you listen carefully, you can hear tales of the trolls who used to live in the Glasberga area, and of how they are still buried in the mountain. About a hundred years ago, findings that strengthened the theory began to be uncovered around the area. You see, when the sun hits the troll, it turns to stone. But no need to be afraid, symbols will help keep the troll in place (like runes for protection and strength, as well as offerings to the troll, and next to the fist is a rungalder (magical staves), a combination of runes – a spell, and the Hamsa brings luck and had been used for thousands of years). The art project was also an exhibition at Södertälje konsthall, “Fynden i Solhem”.
“Jonas Falck – recreated field notes, summer 1774.”
Public commission at Kalkbruket förskola (kindergarten) in Skellefteå. A permanent wall piece with painted and drawn mutated animals on aluminum, mounted on trees and a rock drawn on the wall. These are some of the discoveries of Jonas Falck – a scientist who is said to have lived during the late 18th century around the lake Kultsjön. According to Falck, animals began to mutate after a meteorite impact. The cuckoo, the weasel, the ladybug, the butterfly, and the badger have found their places.
Go here for more information about my traveling companion Jonas Falck and our discoveries.
”Jonas Falck – en avvisad upptäcktsresandes iakttagelser”
Public commission by Statens Konstråd (Public Art Agency Sweden) installed at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm. Installation includes two display cases with ceramic and drawing as well as 6 water color paintings.
Go here for more information about my traveling companion Jonas Falck and our discoveries.

“Jonas Falck – recreated field notes, June 1774.”
Permanent wall piece at the Wendela Hellman school in Härnösand, Sweden.
Go here for more information about my traveling companion Jonas Falck and our discoveries.

“Rana sylvatica (as seen by Jonas Falck)”
Permanent wall piece at the local brewery Hernö Hantverksöl in Härnösand, Sweden.
Go here for more information about my traveling companion Jonas Falck and our discoveries.